
Our fiction books include action, adventure, suspense and humour...

They are listed below in order of publication date (newest first)


Around the World in 80 Beds

by Gerhard Heilig
A light-hearted international oddysey between the sheets.

Bluebelles on Parade

by Robert C Bertie
The battle of the sexes comes to a postwar RAF station when the ladies take on the men in a parade ground drill competition.

Bobbin Along

by Hazel Carr
Amy's life is going swimmingly when tragedy strikes and she starts to sink... Can anything refloat her boat?

Children of the Wave

by John Godwin
A historical novel set in 18th Century Bristol at the time of the slave trade and the rise of the anti-slavery abolitionist movement.

Edwins Exploits

by Richard Biddlecombe
Edwin's exploits include a career in television and involvement with a controversial church which picks a wife for him...


by John Forbes
An F4 Phantom crew from RAF Leuchars face a dangerous adversary in this Cold War action/spy thriller.

Flagship March

by Robert C Bertie
The battle of the sexes continues at RAF March in this entertaining sequel to Bluebelles on Parade

From Waafs to Riches

Another instalment in the BlueBelles/Bill Barrett series of books by Bob Bertie featuring the worldwide adventures of an award-winning military drill instructor formerly a warrant officer with the RAF but now freelance and working in the Middle East.

In the Wake of War

by Jutta Tyler
An inspiring fictional tale of love and friendship in war-torn Lithuania during the Second World War and in the peace that followed.


by Jutta Tyler
A tale of intrigue in Poland at the time of Solidarnosc

Long Nights and Long Knives

by Alastair Tompkins
A novel set in Kenya at the time of the 1952 Mau Mau insurgency.

Masai Mara : The Savage Plains

by Guy West
A gripping adventure novel set in Kenya that focuses on the criminal actions of African ivory poachers and those working to stop them.

Milk and Honey

by Paul Stanton
A pet donkey proves more of a challenge than its owner bargained for in this warm-hearted tale of family life that will amuse all pet-owners...

Only a Miracle

by Paul Stanton
Sequel to Milk & Honey ~ a pony is added to the family menagerie and all kinds of mayhem ensues...

Operation New Broom

by Robert C Bertie
Recruit training expert Bill Barrett heads for the Middle East to ply his trade in the latest novel in the Bluebelles series


by Mike Jupp
A hilarious modern-day fairytale for older kids and grown-ups.
Safari Mzuri

Safari Mzuri

by Brian J. Elliott
RAF National Servicemen have a wild time in 1960's Kenya in this entertaining tale.

Snakes and Cromwell

by Myles Stanistreet
A fictional tale of sex and skulduggery set in the present-day Republic of Ireland.

Spite & Malice

by Penelope Lye
A gripping tale of sex, sibling rivalry, betrayal, murder and revenge.

Sweet & Sour

by Edward Cartner
A collection of gently humorous short stories inspired by everyday life.

The Barretts of Aljibia

by Robert C Bertie
More Middle East adventures in the BlueBelles/Bill Barrett series of RAF novels.

The Brats – a real-life Victorian nautical adventure

by Tony Paul
Four young stowaways from Greenock endure cruel mistreatment on a transatlantic voyage to Newfoundland in this real-life seafaring adventure set in 1868.

The Cry of the Nightjar

by Gerhard Heilig
A highly realistic account of the experiences of a bomber pilot with 214 Squadron RAF in World War Two.

The Desert Orchids

by Robert C. Bertie
The latest in the Bill Barrett/BlueBelles series of Air Force novels in which Bill puts together another all-girl drill display team in the Middle East

The Diplomats Tale

by Anton Foster
A gripping Cold War espionage thriller.

The Enigma of 13 Sandown Road

by Jeff Pack
An inventive botanical mystery novel – Kew Gardens will never seem the same again!

The Hamburg Dossier

by John Law
A retired RAF Police officer returns to Germany to reinvestigate a 50-year-old murder mystery.

The Heart Has Room For Two

by Chris Bolton
A World War II love story.

The Impotence of Being Charlie

by Charles Gonda
Sex and skulduggery in this fictional tale set on a postwar RAF air base. When a young airman is wrongly accused of rape he must fight to clear his name.

The Irish Connection

by Jutta Tyler
Historical fiction based on real-life following an Irish doctor's activities during World War 2 including treating both British and German casualties of the Battle of the Atlantic.

The Summer House on the River Havel

by Jutta Tyler
A romantic tale set in Berlin during the Cold War when an innocent looking summer house on the banks of the River Havel is used as a secret rendezvous for escapees from the East.

The Unknown Conscript

by Peter Saunders
A true-to-life tale of National Service recruits in Cyprus during the unrest of the 1950s.

The Wheel of the Law

by Duncan Forbes
Imaginative tales examining varying attitudes to life, death, love, sex and relationships in various parts of the world, inspired by the author's extensive travels in Europe, Asia and the Far East.

Thirteen Ghost Stories

by Alexander Kinghorn
A collection of paranormal tales in the style of M.R. James.

Under New Management

by Robert C Bertie
More military mayhem at RAF March, a fictional 1950s RAF station, in this enjoyable addition to the BlueBelles series of books.

Wings of Love

by David & Olga Benjamin
An epic historical novel set in World War 1, combining mystery, romance, action and suspense