The RAF in World War Two

Books reflecting many aspects of the RAF during the second world war, including squadron histories and the recollections of former personnel in a wide variety of ranks and occupations

60 Aviation Experiences

A collection of true stories contributed by members of the Scottish Saltire Branch of the Aircrew Association whose collective memory spans more than 80 years of aviation history.

60 More Aviation Experiences

Another collection of true stories by members of Scottish Saltire Branch of the Aircrew Association

619 : The History of a Forgotten Squadron

by Bryan Clark
The rediscovered history of a WW2 bomber command squadron

A Bird Over Berlin

by Tony Bird DFC
Experiences of a 61 Squadron Lancaster pilot who later became a POW at Stalag Luft III

A History of RAF Waddington 1916-1945

by Raymond Leach
A detailed illustrated history of this Lincolnshire RAF Station spanning two world wars.

A Member of the RAF of Indeterminate Race

by Cy Grant
The experiences of a West Indian officer in the RAF during World War II

A Pilots Notes

by Ian Rae
Poems of a World War 2 Royal Air Force Flying Instructor.

A Shillings Worth of Promises

by Fred Hitchcock
Escapades of an RAF airman in the UK and Egypt before, during and after World War II

A Virginian in Best Blue

by Parke F Smith
An American pilot's experiences in the RAF 1942-46

A WAAF at War

by Diana Lindo
A former WAAF recalls her eventful wartime years as a sdtaff driver/chauffeur for high-ranking RAF officers and VIPs.

Adventures of a Trenchard Brat

by Ken Bartrop
A former Royal Air Force Apprentice’s experiences in the Royal Air Force 1942-66

Adventures on the Infinite Highway

by Peter Rivington
The airborne exploits of a wartime RAF ferry pilot in Africa and India and postwar as an airline pilot 1938-62

Airborne Animals and Cockpit Companions

by Colin Pateman
An illustrated account of the various animals kept as pets and mascots by wartime airmen

Algiers to Anzio with 72 & 111 Squadrons

by Greggs Farish and Mike McCaul
The experiences of a mobile Spitfire squadron Engineer Officer in North Africa, Malta, Sicily and Italy during WW2

An Erks-Eye View of World War Two

by Ted Mawdsley
Recalling the valuable work of RAF Bomber Command groundcrews during the  Second World War.

An Ordinary Man in Extraordinary Times

by Percy Shipperbottom
The maritime exploits of an RAF High Speed Launch (HSL) Wireless Op/Signaller in the UK and Far East during World War II

Arnhem Pilot

by Christopher Ian McArthur | The wartime exploits of Flight Lieutenant Fred Mortimore, 570 Squadron RAF.

As We Were : The WAAF at War 1939-45

Former members of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) recall their experiences during World War Two.

At Your Service

by David Seeney
Tracing the author's rise from footman to Lord Beaverbrook via the RAF to Senior Police officer 1930s-80s.

Beaufighters BOAC & Me

by Sam Wright
Experiences of a 254 Squadron Beaufighter navigator during WW2 and postwar flying with BOAC.

Bentwaters & Woodbridge

by Graham Haynes
An illustrated history of the 40-year tenure of the twin air bases in East Anglia by the US Air Force.

Bob & Audreys War

The experiences of a young British married couple separated by fate during WWII provide a unique human perspective on the wartime years.
Carried on the Wind 3-D product shot

Carried on the Wind

by Sean Feast
Profile of Ted Manners, a Special Duties Operator with 101 Squadron RAF during World War II.

Chocks Away!

by Wing Commander John Leighton Beck DFC*
The memoirs and letters of  a WW2 bomber pilot with 214 and 159 Squadrons.

Circuits and Bumps

by Gerhard Heilig
A pilot's progress from RAF bombers to commercial airliners 1944-65

Circuses, Beats and Blenheims

by Gordon Shackleton
Memoirs of a World War II Blenheim pilot with 114 Squadron RAF.

Coastal Command Pilot

by Ted Rayner
WW2 experiences of an RAF Coastal Command pilot with 220 Squadron and 269 Squadron in Norway, Iceland and Greenland.

Corkscrew to Safety

by Thomas G Quinlan
A Lancaster tail-gunner’s tour with 103 Squadron RAF 1944/5.

Crash Boats of Gorleston

by Tony Overill
The WW2 exploits of of No.24 Air Sea Rescue Unit of the RAF Marine Branch.

Desert War Diary: 213 Squadron

by John Walton
Portrait of a Hurricane squadron of the Desert Air Force in North Africa and Cyprus in WW2.
Desert Wheels by Bryan Blow

Desert Wheels

by Bryan Blow
A pictorial history of No.51 (RAF) MT Company/Squadron of the Middle East Air Force (MEAF) 1942-56.

Flight Plans

by Capt Bruce G. Wallace DFC & BAR

compiled and edited by Donald Wallace

A RNZAF Pilot’s experiences with RAF Bomber Command in World War II & postwar with BOAC ~ 1940-71

Fly High - Fly Low

by Eric Morgan
The three remarkable aviation careers of Leslie R Colquhoun DFC, GM, DFM - WW2  Reconnaissance Pilot; Supermarine Test Pilot and Vickers Hovercraft Pioneer.

Flying Boats, Fathers & Fate

by Trevor Richter
A tale of two RAF  flying boat pilots in the Far East during World War II and the remarkable coincidence that connected them

From 1 to 1000 Horsepower an RAF fighter pilots story

by Fergus Davidson
Experiences of a fighter pilot with 534, 91 and 229 Squadrons of the RAF during World War II.
from fiji to balkan skies by dennis mccaig

From Fiji to Balkan Skies

by Dennis McCaig
Experiences of a 249 Squadron Spitfire/Mustang pilot in Southern Italy and the Balkans 1943/44.

From Port T to RAF Gan

by Peter Doling
Colourful history of the remote military base at Addu Atoll in the Maldive Islands 1941-76

From Ypres to Georgetown

by Bob Simmons (with Sheryl Sinclair)
An Englishman’s adventures in Europe & the Far East during World War II & postwar career in Television

Get Some In!

by Mervyn Base
Adventures of an RAF Bomb Disposal Expert in World War II.

Gunnery Leader

by Tom Williams
Biography of Wing Cdr Ken Bastin DFC who rose through the ranks to become officer commanding of the Gunnery Leader Wing at RAF Central Gunnery School in World War II.

Halton Drums – the RAF Halton pipe band 1922-93

compiled by Keith Youldon
An illustrated history of the RAF Halton Aircraft Apprentice Pipe Band and those who have played in it over the years.

How I Became a Pathfinder Navigator

by Peter D Saville
My aircrew training and subsequent activities with No.35 Squadron RAF during and after World War II

How I Got My Knees Brown

by Rupert C Extence
The Overseas Experiences of an Erk (RAF Serviceman) from Devonshire during World War Two.

Hunt Like a Tiger

by Tom Docherty
Illustrated history of 230 Squadron RAF and its Sunderland flying boats 1939-45

In The Nick of Time

by Nick Berryman
The experiences of an RAF pilot with 276 (Air Sea Rescue) Squadron in WW2.

Just a Survivor

by Phil Potts
The WW2 experiences of a 103 Squadron Lancaster navigator who later became a POW at Stalag Luft 7.

Lambs in Blue

by Rebecca Barnett
The adventures of three Tyneside lasses who joined the WAAF and were posted to Ceylon in WW2.

Lance On High

by Humphrey Wynn
The wartime exploits of Wing Commander Lance C Wade DSO DFC ~ a Texan Spitfire pilot in the RAF.

Looking Backwards Over Burma

by Dennis Spencer DFC
A former Beaufighter navigator with 211 Squadron RAF recalls his  operational tour of duty in Burma and Thailand in 1944/5.

Lost In Training

by Harry Green
By charting the final hours of a single Lancaster and its crew, this book pays tribute to the thousands of young RAF airmen killed during aircrew training in World War II

Love is in the Air

edited by Jeff Pack
The revealing wartime letters and memories of an RAF pilot and his WAAF officer fiancée.

Malta Remembered – by those who were there during World War II

edited by Frank Rixon
A collection of stories about the George Cross Island of Malta contributed by military personnel who served there during the Second World War.

Memoirs of a Goldfish

by Jim Burtt-Smith
The WW2 exploits of a 115 Squadron Wellington pilot who  survived his aircraft being shot down over the North Sea.

Mikes Memoirs

by Frank W. 'Mike' Hunt
The experiences of this RAF airman with 615 Squadron 1934-46 include Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain and the abortive airborne assault on Sicily in 1943

Mooses War – an ace night fighter pilots story

by Richard Pike
The wartime exploits of ‘Moose’ Fumerton ~ Canada’s highest-scoring night-fighter pilot of WW2

More Tales of a Bomber Command WAAF

by Sylvia Pickering
A second book featuring the authors recollections of her experiences as a WAAF posted to 5 Group Headquarters, Moreton Hall

No Brylcreem, No Medals

by Jack Hambleton
The WW2 exploits of a RAF MT driver at home and abroad.
Nobody Unprepared 78 Squadron RAF

Nobody Unprepared : The history of 78 Squadron

by Vernon Holland
An illustrated account of the activities of an RAF Bomber Command squadron during World War II.

Nobodys Hero

by Bernard Hart Hallam
Experiences of an RAF police officer in WW2 in the UK and subsequently France, Holland and Germany after D-Day.

Of Ploughs, Planes & Palliasses

by Percy Wilson Carruthers | A 223  squadron pilot's  experiences in North Africa with the Desert Air Force and as a prisoner of war 

On Laughter-Silvered Wings – a portrait of Irish aviator Paddy Kirkwood

by Howard A Hughes
Entertaining biography of charismatic Irish aviator Paddy Kirkwood, a pilot with RAF bomber command in World War II and subsequently an airline captain whose 'Irish crew' gained legendary status in post-war British European Airlines (BEA) for their high-spirited antics.

Operation Pharos

by Ken Rosam
An illustrated account of the construction and operation of the Allied airbase on the Cocos Keeling Islands in the Indian Ocean during World War II.

Over Hell and High Water

by Leslie Parsons
The author's two full operational tours as an RAF navigator with 622 Squadron of RAF Bomber Command on bombing raids over Germany and 99 Squadron operating in the Far East over vast stretches of the Indian ocean.

Pathfinder Force Balkans

by Geoff Curtis
The exploits of a 614 (Pathfinder) squadron flight engineer in the air over the Balkans and subsequently as a prisoner of war in Hungary during World War II